An Uncomfortable Meal

Charli Mills gives us an unusual prompt this week
In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about comfort food. How can this familiarity influence a story or character? Is it something unusual, like Twinkies from the 1970s? Or is it something from home, from another place or time? Go where the prompt leads.
So I have gone for the exact opposite, a meal that led to an uncomfortable recollection – and an amazing end result.


Everyone else was asleep but he couldn’t settle.
“What had he eaten?” He felt uncomfortable.
His companions had caught the bird, a Rhea, a flightless bird that was good eating, but there was something wrong. He looked at the scraps that were left, then he saw it, the legs were the wrong colour!
He scrabbled around for what hadn’t been eaten, the head, wing, legs and feathers, but it was enough, it was a new species. In London they were impressed, perhaps this young man would make other discoveries, now they would honour him by calling it – Darwin’s Rhea!


All I have done is retold the account that Darwin gave of how he discovered Darwin’s Rhea.


The first illustration of Darwin’s Rhea, based on the bits that hadn’t been eaten (from Wikipedia)


Filed under Historical tales, Victorian

6 responses to “An Uncomfortable Meal

  1. That’s one way to make a discovery; the science of eating! I like how you bring these stories to life, giving the characterizing those from history as real and approachable people.


  2. Pingback: A Bite of Comfort « Carrot Ranch Communications

  3. Didn’t know that – what an interesting tale and well told.


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